Performance Works International

Growing Performance Works International to Lead the Charge in Transformative Leadership

The Challenge:

Performance Works International (PWI), an award-winning global consultancy specialising in leadership, digital, and workforce transformation, approached DiDreams to help amplify their brand presence and solidify their position as a thought leader in the industry. As a small business doing big things on the global stage, PWI needed to effectively communicate their unique expertise and the value they bring to their clients.


The Solution and Results:

Collaborating closely with the PWI team, we crafted a compelling brand narrative that highlighted their commitment to helping organisations and leaders navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape. By aligning their messaging with their core purpose and values, we were able to drive remarkable outcomes:


  • Established PWI as a leading authority in transformative leadership, with CEO Jeremy Blain featured in prestigious publications like The Independent and Business Reporter
  • Grew PWI’s online presence and engagement by 200%, positioning them as a trusted resource for insights and expertise on the future of work and leadership
  • Increased enrollment in their transformative leadership programs and consulting services by 120%, as more organisations recognised the value of PWI’s award-winning research and practical solutions
  • Secured high-profile partnerships with industry associations and global brands, further solidifying PWI’s reputation as a premier provider of transformative leadership and workforce solutions
