
Revitalising Diversity-talent’s Brand and Expanding their Reach

When DiversITy-talent, a social enterprise dedicated to inspiring young people and untapped talent pools into business and technology careers, approached us, they were a newly launched organisation in 2023. They needed to establish a strong, distinctive brand identity and effectively communicate their mission and value proposition to their target audience.


The Solution and Results:

Working collaboratively with the DiversITy-talent team, we crafted a compelling brand narrative that highlighted their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. By aligning their messaging with their core mission and optimising their digital presence, we helped them achieve exceptional outcomes:


  • Online engagement increased by 180%
  • Website traffic grew by 150%
  • Participant and partner numbers doubled in 6 months
  • DiversITy-talent’s brand was featured in numerous industry publications and events, establishing them as thought leaders in the diversity and inclusion space 

DiDreams has been instrumental in helping us revitalize our brand and expand our reach. Their strategic guidance, creative expertise, and collaborative approach have been invaluable in propelling DiversITy-talent to the forefront of our industry. » – Anna Somaiya, Founder and CEO of DiversITy-talent
